In March 2019 this project was about to get tracking information from my ATtiny84 LoRa node in combination with the KPN (Netherlands) LoRa network. This network is speed out through The Netherlands and gives location information of the LoRa node. But first of all I had to build the LoRa device into my bike of the year 1959. The best way to do this is to put it into the Air-pump. The original Air-pump was to narrow to make place for my ATtiny84 Lora Node. I found an old pump, modified it and put on my luggage carrier. Below the pictures of the modifications

An example of the data I get on my API:
2019-09-01 10:09:15 CEST LOR02 latitude 51.xxxxxx
2019-09-01 10:09:16 CEST LOR02 longitude 6.xxxxxx
2019-09-01 10:09:16 CEST LOR02 RSSI -113.000000
2019-09-01 10:09:16 CEST LOR02 location_radius 5.321790
2019-09-01 10:09:16 CEST LOR02 SNR 3.000000
2019-09-01 10:09:16 CEST LOR02 vcc 3.016
2019-09-01 10:09:16 CEST LOR02 temperature 17.60
2019-09-01 10:09:16 CEST LOR02 humidity 64.75
I want to display this data in a later stadium on a website using open layer.
2020-08-09 replaced LoRa Node
Due to the switch on the KPN developer program to another platform ABP connections were not possible anymore. So I had to develop another Node and that was the MiniPill LoRa node. This one is now functioning as my Bike Tracking device.

2022-05-24 replaced LoRa Node
The previous versions used quite a big node and it did not fit into a standard dutch bicycle pump. So I designed a smaller PCB (18x45mm). This one does fit better into the lower part of a pump. Here are the footages:

2022-10-04 added a bike
Due to the fact that not every bike has a pump, I’ve build a new type of LoRa node, in the backlight. This is mandatory in the Netherlands to be available on every bike. This one is already wording for one year.