A project I’ve done to learn more about LoRaWAN and Co2 measurements. I found the work
Functional demands:
- Measuring Co2 everywhere
- Logging data
- Graph visible in mobile App
- Graph visible on website
First step: LoRaBee module and KPN network connection
With a KPN developers account on their LoRa network I managed to send data from a LoraBee module. The KPN LoRa network was the only one I had access to at that time. The Things Network unfortunately had no antenna near my home.
Conclusion hours of work estimated:
15% hardware design (3D) and electronics design and manufacturing
15% Configuring (servers, blynk app)
70% programming
The nicest part is hardware / electronics and configuring, this gives you quick results. But you need a lot of programming to get it working properly.
Pictures of the end-product
More technical information
The network overview:
There was quite a bit of programming work throughout the project: C ++ for the Teensy and Blynk Gateway and Java for the APIs and logging. And a little bit of javascript.
In the end these two overviews were made:
As well as some drawing work for the 3D printed housing:
Main modules used/Cost in the Netherlands
- LoraBee – sodaq.com (€ 40.-)
- Teensy 3.1 – floris.cc (€ 25.-)
- Oled display 128×64 I2C – aliexpress.com (€ 2.30)
- Co2 Sensor MHZ 19B – aliexpress.com (€ 22.80)
Total € 90,10