MiniPill LoRa Form Factor

In the past month I designed different version of a PCB, all based on the original MiniPill LoRa node. Version 2.0 Smaller and Longer to fit enclosure After getting my …

MiniPill LoRa with RTOS

I wanted to learn RTOS and for testing I got it running on my MiniPill LoRa board. I want to use is for a (almost) realtime GPS tracker for usage …

Pomodoro Timer

As I wanted to test a rotary encoder, I made a pomodoro timer, see also In the lock-down phases during Corona I do use it to prevent long sitting …

LoRa Button

Just for experimental purposes and tracking with TTN mapper ( I made a LoR node with a button to send one LoRaWAN package. Of course it is based my own …

Programming STM32

For a couple of years I try to switch to STM32 microcontrollers. With ups and downs I learned how to handle these versatile microcontrollers. The first step was to be …